A people-centric photo project that seeks to destigmatise conversations
around mental health through their stories.
@letstalkaboutselfharm on instagram
Unfortunately, that was the beginning of me making that connection in my mind that shitty sex might be cathartic — that it could lead to this emotional release … being able to sleep with these mediocre men allowed me to regain a sense of control that I didn’t have during my relationship. It wasn’t healthy.
I couldn’t rise up to take care of myself and I couldn’t really invest in friendships in those moments, but I could drive 6 hours to pick up a kitten and bring him to his forever home. And that was enough of an anchor point to help me move forward.
Tattooing myself partly had to do with making it visible, and that somehow brought me some comfort… Through tattooing I worked through a lot of emotions about where I’m from and the events that brought me here.
(Don’t) Call me crazy, but I envision a world where mental health is just part of health.
Here we go
All too often self harm and other issues related to mental health are associated with feelings of embarrassment or shame. I want to undertake this creative project to allow people going through similar struggles to realise that they are not alone.