红包 (Ang Bao)

In East and Southeast Asian cultures, a red envelope, red packet or red pocket is a monetary gift given during the Lunar New Year or for special occasions such as a wedding, a graduation, or the birth of a baby. It is represented by one of twelve animals from the Chinese Zodiac each year.


2024 Year of the DRAGON


The Mighty & Kind



2023 Year of the Rabbit


Newish Nostalgia

This year’s design is a combination of the past and modern aesthetic.

The external envelope in gold leaf uses an age-old convention of hierarchal space to convey a landscape.

The Red packets, split into a blue gradient variation and traditional red is mean to create this dichotomy of old and new styles.

This is again echoed by the front and back of the red packet, where the front pictures a much more graphic bunny being watched by a smaller one on a lily pad, and the back transports us to the past with a homage the candied white rabbit sweet.


2022 Year of the Tiger


This year’s design features a more playful design that showcases two tigers — one majestic, and the other slightly derpy — symbolising the desire to embrace different sides of our character.

The word 稳 at the front serves as simplified well wishes, — that the year ahead may be characterised by stability, peace, and restful increase.

The back features the adage 'Stay True to 虎(Hu) You Are’ which is a pun on the homonym for ‘Tiger’ in Mandarin.


2021 Year of the Ox


The Dawn of the Ox

This abstract-geometric design depicts the typically hardworking Ox in a state of rest. It’s seen basking in the sun (or moon depending on the colour variant) or maybe even engaging in play with a ball.

Inspired by the harrowing experience which was 2020, I'm sure we could all use some rest and relaxation.


Sink, Swim, Float

Based on the fable of the great zodiac race. The Ox took second place as it decided to help the Rat who couldn't cross the river. The Rat jumped ahead to cross the finish line to come in first. For the Ox it was sink or swim; for the Rat, it just had to float. In the eyes of the Ox, helping those who cannot help themselves is all in a day's work.